lørdag den 8. marts 2014

8. Marts

Today is the international day of women! And I can already now say, it's very different here compared to Denmark, or at least as I know. I have been rather shocked as a feminist, when I found out how they celebrate it here. Brazil is a machinist country as you might know. I'm actually starting to get used to it, though it's difficult, then it's just one of the culture differences. I realized I can't do so much about the old norms. Not even when it effects me. I'm now used to men seeing me more as sex object than a equal (there is exception off course, and i'm dating one of them). I'm used to explain why I don't want to hook up with guys, and how I sometimes have to fight myself out at parties which I go to alone with my female friends. I get it, the majority of Brazilian guys are machunist. But I reached my limits when I saw an advertisement, with a woman carrying a bunch of shopping bags in her hand, saying: 

>>come shopping in "shopping da ilha" and spoil yourself marts 8 on womens day<< 

First I just thought they made another commercial day, like valentines day, until I payed attention to the date. Then I was just one big question mark and asked my host parents what this was about. Whereafter my host father answers that it's normal to give presents and flowers this day. And how it was only ugly feminist who made a parade... 

After this have I been asked if I got any presents yet, seen facebook statuses from boys where it says "happy day all of my princesses" and so on. Not because I don't appreciate it. Its a really a nice thought and nice to see we are appreciated, but I'm just shocked and disappointed on how they made this day a commercial day and don't take the debate up. Especially when in it's a macho country as Brazil, where they should fight even more. 

But all in all 
Happy Marts 8 to all my sisters out there 
<3 <3 <3