tirsdag den 24. september 2013

A perfect weekend!

You are all gonna hate me for what I'm about to say now (except my brazilians) but after this weekend I realized that I really don't want to go home! 

This weekend, I went out with some  of my  best friends (if not the best of them) I have here Brazil. We went to the most beautiful place of São Luis: Centro Historico. 

We first met at my friend Meireles house (which apparently was very difficult for the taxi driver to find.... Hate those guys). At meireles we also met some of his friends, where one of them suddenly started to talk Danish to me, which led to me talking Danish to my friends, who really don't understand it.. After everybody was there, and had played some wii, we took the bus to Centro Historico. It maybe doesn't sound as much, the whole taking the bus thing for a person from Denmark, but it's a big adventure here, especially for my friends that never takes it (long live rich man schools :p ). 

We arrived to Centro at the perfect time of the day. Not to hot, beautiful light and a calm street. There was local music in the street and actually a lot of gringos (tourists) sitting on small café's. We walked around and took some pictures, and at the end when the sun was about to go down, we went to the palace and looked over the ocean where the sun became orange and red while there was a roda, so you felt the atmosphere of Brazil. And it was at that moment, with the music, my amazing friends, the sun, the city and the nature that I realized; I really don't wanna leave this place. I know there is a long time to June 30. But I can't stand the thought about leaving these people! 

After we came home from Centro, I went home to Julia my best Brazilian friend and got ready to Luiza's (the girl I wrote about) birthday at a pizzeria. We came reeeally late, because of the twins (who mostly comes to late) drove us. So when we arrived the most of the guest where about to leave. But we managed still to have fun and eat to expensive Pizza :D 
So all in all I spend my weekend in really good company! 

(The reason why I write in probably bad English is because my friends also wanna know what I'm writing on the blog and about them) 

If there is any doubt: no I don't have boyfriend here. I'm really trying not be in relationship here, despite how hard it sometimes is :) 

The pics is not mine, all credit goes to http://talktovictor.tumblr.com

fredag den 20. september 2013

Parabéns, tillykke, happy birthday, gratulere and so on!

Today it's my page made Luiza's birthday. Luiza is one of my best friends here in Brazil and it's because of that she's getting this blogpost ( she will probably going to hate and kill me for this). And it's also time to hear a little bit about my crazy friends in Brazil. Luiza is always funny to sit next to, it's not always schoolwork we are making but we have fun! She's a huuuge fan of Demi Lovato and Justin Beiber and there can't go a day without her trying to sing a silly pop song for me. As you can see on the pictures she's not a girl who's afraid of looking silly, and she really love making other people laugh and that's what makes her cool and a really good friend. So thank you Luiza for helping me in school, making me laugh and being a good friend :D happy birthday! 


lørdag den 7. september 2013


Musikken pumper ud i det store lokale, hvor de største rockikoner hænger på væggene, og hvis loft er total dækket af aviser fra hele verden. Det er ikke til at bevæge sig derinde af bare mennesker. Og på sin vej igennem alle menneskerne vil man møde venner og fremmede mennesker, der vil komme med små hvisken i sit øre "linda", "beautiful", "oi, tudo bem". Det er et sted, hvor musikkerne er de fuldeste tilstedeværende efter en koncert. 
Dette er Amsterdam Music Pub.
Dette er STEDET, du går hen som beboer af São Luis og rockfan!

Jeg har besøgt Amsterdam to gange. Første gang til en "The Doors" tribute med mine forældre. Det har nok været det fedeste, jeg har prøvet her i Brasilien indtil videre. Musikkerne var sindsyge på scenen, og gav bare et helt fantastisk show. Den anden gang var i går (fredag d. 6.9.13) til en "Pink Floyd" tribute. Det var ikke helt ligeså fedt som første gang. Men var så heldig at bruge den sammen med to gode venner: Julia og Jose Victor. Hvilket gjorde at jeg denne gang, så langt mere af baren og nød det på en helt ny måde. 

Fra "Pink Floyd" tribut'en. Hvor jeg virkelig indså, at jeg ikke er så meget en turist mere. Eftersom det viste sig, at jeg allerede kender to af dem, der arbejder på baren...

Billeder fra "The Doors" tribut'en. Eftersom jeg stod helt foran og tog billeder fik jeg ofte øjenkontakt med musikerne, især bassisten. Så efter koncerten hvor jeg stod med min mor kom han over for at "snakke" med mig. Men efter alle standartspørgsmålene(- hvor gammel er du) prøver han at kysse mig. En fyrs ansigt kan ændre sig meget hurtigt når man fortæller at det er ens mor der står ved siden af og ens tatoveret far står 5 skridt derfra, så det vil nok være en dårlig idé at kysse en :D