fredag den 31. januar 2014

Holiday and school (Rio de Janeiro)

I got one day home after Fortaleza, which i spend with my two friends Gustavo and Guilherme, and then I was heading for Rio de Janeiro. Rio is a beautiful even if it's raining and you live in a not so good hotel. But sitting on Copacabana in the evening and just see the whole city lighten up, is not easy to describe. I really liked the harmony of nature and city it has and there was so many interesting people in that city. And off course i had a lot of fun with the exchange students! I always try to be as much with brazilians etc. but it's always nice just to have a break with people you share culture and almost language with :D 

Pão Acucar

Super fedt initiative. Det var en danse gruppe for folk med down syndrom fyldt med energi :D

Klokken 3-4 om morgen (natten) i lufthavnen på vej hjem

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